The Cosmos is my Body!
Only in the deepest silence of night
the stars smile and whisper among themselves
Rabindranath Tagore
There is no way to Peace,
Peace is the Way
Peace is the Way
Let the waters settle
you will see starts and moon
mirrored in your being.
The Cosmos is my Body
This is the miracle of unity consciousness
Mahatma Gandhi
Jalaluddin Rumi
Sufi mystic poet
. . .
An Advanced DAW Setup
for a Symphony Orchestra
(Reason / Kontakt)
On Sale for a limited time!
Cretan Family
Music Tradition
Harmonious Symbiosis is a music album for meditation. “Harmonious Symbiosis” means “living together in harmony.” Since the beginning of time we have sought ways to achieve living in harmony with each other, with the elements of nature around us, as well as our inner world …
Seven Piano Nocturnes
The “Seven Piano Nocturnes” is an album of nocturnal pieces for relaxation and meditation …
Teach your children …
Teach these truths to your children …
Humankind A Hopeful History
A book that is both really inspiring and exciting!
i-SOt template is now available!
imagine – Symphony Orchestra template (i-SOt) was designed to facilitate working on orchestral music using the Kontakt and Reason orchestral music libraries …
Universal Basic Income
“Universal Basic income” is periodic payment delivered to all citizens of a given population without a means test or work requirement …
Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, … Not any religion …
A poem by Sufi mystic poet Jalaluddin Rumi
Lorem ipsum Ut elit tellus
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar …
Mediterranean Elegy Adagio for Strings
A music composition dedicated to Refugees and their compassionate and courageous Rescuers and Helpers …